Holding the Line on Taxes

Date: Friday, November 14, 2014
Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Location: Widener School of Law
Speaker: See Attached for Speakers

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8:30–8:35 am Welcome
8:35–10:05 am 2014 Income Tax Developments
                       Panel Chair: Kathryn S. Schultz, CPA, AEP
                       Belfint Lyons & Shuman, P.A.
                       Panelists: Theresa M. Martelli, CPA; Santora CPA Group; Charles J. Durante, Esq.; Connolly                                                    Gallagher LLP
10:05–10:20 am Break
10:20–11:50 am Recent Developments in Estate Planning
                        Panel Chair: Richard J. A. Popper, Esq.
                        Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
                        Panelists: David M. Brown, Esq.; Duane Morris LLP; Allison M. Knecht, Esq.; Richards Layton &                                              Finger, P.A.; Jennifer E. Smith, Esq.; Cooch & Taylor, P.A.
11:50 am–12:35 pm Luncheon, Barristers’ Club
12:40–1:40 pm Distinguished Speaker
                      Martin A. Sullivan, PhD, Economics
                      Chief Economist at Tax Analysts, and former staff economist at the U.S. Department of the Treasury                         and at the congressional Joint Commission on Taxation
1:40–1:50 pm Break
1:50–3:50 pm Navigating State Fiduciary Income Tax
                     Panel Chair: W. Donald Sparks, II, Esq.
Richards Layton & Finger, P.A.
Panelists: Donald J. Bromley, CPA, CVA,; MST, Gunnip & Company, LLP; Thomas M. Forrest, CPA
U.S. Trust Company of Delaware; Janice M. Matier, Esq.: Richards Layton & Finger, P.A.
3:50–4:00 pm Break
4:00–5:00 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions:
Session A: Circular 230: The Final Regulations*
Panel Chair: William F. Denney, CPA 
Newton One Advisors, LLC
Panelists: Michael A. Albero, CPA, MST: Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC; Todd A. Flubacher,                                        Esq.: Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell, LLP; George W. Kern, Esq.: Bessemer Trust                                                Company, N.A.; Michael F. Niemann, CPA: Newton One Advisors, LLC
Session B: Income Tax Strategies with Insurance
Panel Chair: Jerome K. Grossman, Esq.
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Panelists: Jordon N. Rosen, CPA, AEP: Belfint Lyons & Shuman, P.A.; Stanford L. Stevenson, III,                                           Esq.: Richards Layton & Finger, P.A.

5:00 pm Adjourn

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