About Us
The Chester County Estate Planning Council is a vibrant, diverse community of estate and wealth planning professionals in the Chester County area. Through our educational programs, networking events, and community outreach, we provide members an opportunity to enhance their skills, expand their network, share insights, and exchange ideas to build and strengthen relations within the estate planning community.
President's Message:
“On behalf of our Officers, Board of Directors, and Members, welcome to the Chester County Estate Planning Council website. The CCEPC’s goal is to assist members in rendering better services to their clients by highlighting pertinent developments within the field of estate planning. Our membership targets estate planning professionals and specialists, including: attorneys, accountants, insurance agents, stockbrokers, trust officers, wealth managers, elder-care specialists, and planned giving nonprofit professionals. Please join us at our monthly dinner meetings and other social events if you are interested in meeting and exchanging ideas with other area estate planning professionals – we look forward to seeing you soon!”
Denise Antonelli, President CCEPC